Our Advice Process

We understand that no two clients are the same, which is why we spend the time getting to know each one of our clients on a personal level. Our team will support you through each step of the process, keeping you updated along the way.

Learning About the Journey Ahead

Our first meeting is cost and obligation-free. This is where we will get to know each other, and you can decide if we are right for you. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your advisor and our business, and we can better understand which areas of advice you would like to address. We will also explain our advice process and give you an estimated cost to proceed with your Financial plan.

Getting Into The Detail

This may take a meeting or two, because it is important for us to understand everything about your life that can make a difference to planning for your future. We will challenge you to think about what is most important in your life, and what we can do to ensure you can make the most of life’s joys.

Defining Your Strategy

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Prepping Your Plan

The foundation for your financial plan is now set for us to prepare your Statement of Advice. Once this is finalised, we schedule a time to take you through our recommendations. We encourage you to ask as many questions as needed so that you completely understand what we are recommending and are confident to proceed.

Implementing Your Advice

We prepare and manage all the implementation for you, so you don’t have to worry about any paperwork. We will keep you updated on the progress of implementation and confirm when your plan is in place.

Keeping on Track

Small changes throughout your life can have big consequences to your financial future. It is important we catch up on a regular basis to make sure the plan we put in place for you today is still appropriate for you going forward. Changes to the industry, regulation and compliance, major economic events or even changes to your personal circumstances can mean that your plan might need to be tweaked.

Book an appointment with one of our advisors today.